![]() ![]() photography © 2005 Thomas Körtvélyessy (left) © 2005 Cor Kapaan (right) > info-text > relative hierarchy > available tension / con·sens·us > X > teaching > artistic estate of Elaine Summers > artist statements > cv
Reàl Dance Company is the name of Körtvélyessy's enterprise, under which he has created solo- and group pieces since 1996, with various collaborators, and in many different contexts. The kinds of works range from very accessible community-dance to highly individual solo-performances. Productions and projects have been supported with grants by the Rotterdam Arts Council / Programme for Cultural Participation, Dansateliers Rotterdam, SKVR Dansschool, the Municipality of the Borough of Delfshaven (Rotterdam), Stichting ter Bevordering van Volkskracht, Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds, European Cultural Foundation, Fleur Groenendijk Foundation, Akasha Foundation, CLOUD at Danslab, Open Dans Festival / Stg. Sanne, Kinetic Awareness® Center, Emily Harvey Foundation, and aisthesis (stg. in oprichting) as well as private sponsors. > download his full cv back to top ^ relative hierarchy
available tension / sensitive energy and con·sens·us the first practice focusses on the moment of in-formation and expression, (continued practice of available tension leading to sensitive energy) the second practice researches the inter-relations within such a continuum. all are used for the living moment of performance.
![]() the big X Thomas Körtvélyessy started using the X symbol around 1998. it is not only used as a symbol, but also an operator: the maXimum of what can be gotten, in an X-change & relation, optimum balancing also: interfacing the (still) un-known the operator was first used officially in the title of a collaboration with Andreas Simon nord X wald : the two entities (North and forest) were related to each other - the resulting tensions produced the dance works. by intentionally tilting the more static + sign, X also signifies movement aXceleration ... it is therefore programmatic with the will to eXplore new relationships for X-change and understanding and arrive at a better ability to move on ... ever since then, the symbol has been part of the logo of Reàl Dance Company ![]() teaching Thomas Körtvélyessy is a Certified Master Teacher of Kinetic Awareness®, a dance technique that he studied with its originator Elaine Summers and at the Kinetic Awareness® Center from 1995-2007 / 2012 and onward. he has synthesized his own approaches on this base, most recently •bridging technique•, an overall syllabus that builds up the necessary skills for mastering movement vocabulary in a sustainable way, which goes beyond the restrictions of most current approaches. Within that technique he is developing hyper-ballet, a re-formation of Classical European Ballet and its derivatives, from a contemporary perspective of understanding. next to being on the Board of Directors of the Kinetic Awareness® Center, Thomas Körtvélyessy is an external guide-teacher at ArtEZ Dansacademie (Arnhem, NL) and has taught over the years at ArtEZ, Fontys Dansacademie Tilburg, codarts Rotterdam, CLOUD at Danslab, CIRCLE Rotterdam, SKVR Dansschool, Kinetic Awareness® Center, and at the National University of Arts, Seoul, South Korea, dept. of Choreography. > more information ![]() artistic estate of Elaine Summers starting with the organisation of the memorial Absence & Presence with Juliette Mapp at Judson Memorial Church in 2015, Thomas Körtvélyessy is working for the Artistic Estate of his mentor Elaine Summers He has written and published numerous articles and texts about her, starting with his paper dance history in 1994. Elaine Summers (1925-2014) was a pioneer of postmodern choreography, intermedia art, and somatic practice / dance technique. She explored the creation of performances that merged various disciplines, media and technologies, especially live-dance and (multiple) film-projections into large-scale immersive experiences. Summers was also a filmmaker who created many film-dances within this continuum. In 1995 she premiered her concept-art work www.skytime.org on the internet. At the same time Elaine Summers developed the somatic dance technique Kinetic Awareness® which centers the individual physical experience of movement and the sensorial condition and desires of the individual mover. Together with comparable pioneers such as Anna Halprin and Bonnie Bainbridge, Elaine Summers and Kinetic Awareness® have continued to influence generations of dancers, choreographers, and people from all walks of life, including Trisha Brown (Dance Co.) Meredith Monk, and many others. In 1962 Elaine Summers was an original member of the now legendary group that later became known as Judson Dance Theater, where she premiered her ground-breaking solo-concert Fantastic Gardens in 1964. She then founded the Elaine Summers Dance & Film Company, later the Experimental Intermedia Foundation, an early 501(c)3 not-for-profit organisation in 1968, and the Kinetic Awareness® Center in 1987. The mission of the Artistic Estate is to help further the instrumental legacy, and guard the artist-interest of Elaine Summers for the present and the future. It has lead to presentations of her works at, among others, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) New York (2017), Walker Art Center (2016) as well as presentations and workshops at Dock11, Berlin (2017/2018, 2021) et al. The Artistic Estate of Elaine Summers works by approval of the heirs of Elaine Summers, with special thanks to the Jerome Robbins Dance Division, the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. |
consequently it can become easier to deal with chaos and unpredictability through successful realisations of our creative imagination, helping the development of viable alternatives to present-day problems.
& white photography © 2008
by Konrad
Szymański used with kind
from a workshop Improvisation by Claire O'Neal (Brussels) organised by Rita VIlhena / Baila Louca Rotterdam, Netherlands 2008 |